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Name: Baishawan(白沙灣)
Taiwanese introduction: Beautiful beach is everyone's favorite, Ocean, beach, beer makes people feel good. This is the most beautiful beach in the near in Taipei.

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Name: Jianhong beef noodles (建宏牛肉麵)
Taiwanese introduction: Taiwan's most popular food. 「beef noodles」, This is an old restaurant. Delicious and cheap.

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Name: karaoke(錢櫃)
Taiwanese introduction: Taiwanese love to sing, Taiwan's karaoke is very popular. The rooms are large and beautiful. have all country's songs.

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Name: Huangdì dian(皇帝殿)
Taiwanese introduction: Taiwanese enjoy hiking in the place. fresh air, Wonderful nature. If you are physically well, Please be sure to come here.

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Name: Shenkeng Street(深坑老街)
Taiwanese introduction: Long ago selling tofu on this street. It is retained a historic building and traditional tofu manufacturing methods.

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Name: Shang xian (尚鱻生猛活海鮮)
Taiwanese introduction:Taiwanese favorite restaurant style. A lot of Taiwanese food can be eaten. This restaurant is cheap and delicious. Do't forget ! Drink Taiwanese beer!

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Name: Fisherman's Wharf(漁人碼頭)
Taiwanese introduction: This is a very romantic place.Taiwanese dating favorite place.If you are a lover, Be sure to come here